Metacompetencies for SDGs in Action

Earlier this year, the Better Futures team had an incredible time hosting a session at Creative Collision 2024 which was organized by Shared Value Initiative Hong Kong and hosted by Dream Impact. In just over an hour, we led over 20 shared value leaders to explore ways to leverage four metacompetencies to advance the sustainability agendas.

🩵 Taking care of… The ability to be attentive and evaluate the quality of interactions.
🩷Creating meaning… The act of bringing together and matching the mental representations of  different actors.
💚Constructing narratives… The capacity to pursue story-telling in a way that captivates, conveys a message and induces a reflection.
💛Evolving towards collaborative networks… The participation in but also contribution to the construction of networks.

Two SDGs were in focus: SDG12 - Responsible consumption and production and SDG10 - Reduced inequalities.

In two rounds, teams discussed and aligned on their take on specific goals that fall under the two SDGs. They ideated on their vision of success, potential obstacles they could encounter, ways to overcome them, which then got translated into actionable mini-initiatives based on particular human factors: #attention #language #mentalrepresentation #socialbelonging #memory

The diverse outputs testified the power of creativity, innovation and collaboration, and were fruits of collective intelligence and social learning. They included:

📜An open-style slogan, “Less Waste, More [ONE THING YOU CARE ABOUT]” that aimed to captivate attention and increase support for a waste reduction initiative.
🦸‍♂️ An inspiring superhero, a composite of real-world role models and fictional heroes, whose role was to close pay gaps and transform mental representations in favor of equity and equality.
💪🏼 An incentive that leveraged motivation to embed a new set of sustainability criteria in a procurement policy.
👥A pioneering team that illustrated the power of social belonging and the importance of the latter when launching an inclusive workplace or community initiative.

Through this experience we emphasized the importance of the underlying dynamics at play. The synergy between metacompetencies and human factors emerged as a driving force for change and together, they can guide us through complexities and uncertainties towards a more sustainable future.

Curious what our participants thought about the session? Here you go a piece of beautiful feedback we got - thanks Angelym!

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing familiar faces, meeting new friends, and learning new concepts in the track run by Humans Matter [Asia; now Better Futures]: now that I know about them, the 4 meta-competencies to drive sustainable change make perfect sense in the context of the social sector, where success storytelling and collaborative networks are critical to any #socialimpact organisation. I found myself mentally ticking off the 4 meta-competencies when introduced to the different social enterprise ideas during the Impact Auction that followed.

Are you looking to unlock the power of metacompetencies to accelerate your journey towards sustainability? Get in touch at


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